Dear Families who are doing their best to stay strong.

We’re encouraging you to check in with your energy, your mindset and plan for your family as we are already amidst the second half of 2022.

In fact, at the time of this newsletter being published there are 149 days left of the year. Please do not panic. We are here for you! Preparing your family for the remainder of the year takes a healthy energy, good mindset and positive planning. To support you, as you lead yourself and your family for the remainder of the year – here are some helpful thoughts and questions to consider:

  • Identify the way you want to feel, individually and as a family. Preparing yourself and your family for how you want to feel, requires identifying what the feelings look like.

           How we feel impacts our energy.

           Is it support that is needed?

          Are helpful check-ins for encouragement needed?

          Are there acts of kindness, kind words or patience that is needed?

If, we don’t know how we want to feel and the kind of support we need, we may not provide the support that is most meaningful. Our encouragement is to take time and reflect as a family and talk about how the family wants to feel.

  • Have you and your family prioritized what you want to achieve?

You likely have goals for yourself, if partnered with another, they have goals, your kids have goals in school or outside activities they want to achieve. Goals are important for a good mindset and they are achieved with preparation and strategy.

            Choose 1 goal for you and your family

            Write down 3 behaviors that will support your family in achieving your goal

Take the time to reflect “why” a goal is important to you and your family. A reachable goal will provide engagement and connection for the entire family.          

  • Have you and your family strategized on how you are going to manage complicated schedules?

Strategy will support you to stay on track and participate in activities that are most important. A planful strategy will give you the opportunity to reevaluate what activities are serving your family and what activities need to be let go.

            Evaluate what is working well for you and your families schedule

            Evaluate what is not working well for you and your families schedule

            Be courageous to let go of activities that are not serving your family well

A reminder, as you plan and strategize your schedules, use grace as unexpected things can happen in life and flexibility is needed.

Your FAMILY ENERGY will care you.

Your FAMILY MINDSET will sustain you.

Your FAMILY PLAN will encourage you to stay committed to one another.

We fully support you and your family, along with your desire for healthy ENERGY, healing MINDSETS and happy PLANNING, as you lead your family with grace and strength.

The Family Strong Blueprint Team For more information about Family Strong Blueprint seminars, speaking and family coaching, please contact Tess Cox: