“All of your CHOOSING builds your STRONG family.” 

How you choose to love and be family…Matters.

As an adopted child, I was always aware of my parents choosing me to be their child and a part of their family. During the time of the adoption process, my parents did not know whether they would welcome a boy or girl into their lives. I was told, when they received the phone call from the social worker that a baby girl was going to be their daughter, “they were thrilled.”

There were a few forms of “choosing family” within our small family system. They chose their “church family,” their “friends as family” and my sibling and me “as their family.” All three types of “family” co-existed together throughout my childhood and growing up years. I have found it fascinating, as their aging years progressed and they needed more and more support and care…life became less about choosing their church and friends, as “family” to help them. It became far more important for them to have their immediate family to help and support them. Even so, some of the immediate family lived too far away or did not have the capacity to give their help and support.

As I reflect on those years of caring for my parents and being their power of attorney over their estate – I did choose then and I have chosen to this day to “choose my family.” I have no regrets choosing my spouse during the hard times, which led to my blessings and positive realities I have with our family to this day. I have no regrets choosing my children who have grown into wonderful and beautiful adults with their own families. And, I have no regrets caring for my parents in their last stages of life (as heartbreaking as it was). What I do have is CONFIDENCE in my CHOICES, in how important family truly is.

As we enter into the New 2023 Year – How will you choose your family? It’s important for you to reflect on what fear is holding you back and potentially causing your family to suffer. What do you need to choose on behalf of your family? It’s strengthening for your family to persevere and stay engaged through the hard challenges. It’s life giving for your family to respect one another, grow together, build trust and create a house full of love and life. All of your CHOOSING builds your strong family. 

It is up to you to choose the deeper connections, the joys, being fully present and bringing emotional peace to your family. Yes, you get to choose. Here are a few words to reflect on as you choose your family and what is most important to you in creating the life and love you want to experience:

Unconditional                 Respectful                     Compassionate          Engaged                Intentional 

Mindful                           Considerate                  Grateful        Willing to grow

Staying Curious                 Cooperative                 and Having a Good Sense of Humor

All of these words lead to a well-connected and loving family.

Family Strong Blueprint is here to support you and your family in all ways and through all things.

All our best as you enter into the New 2023 Year.

FSB Team

If, you would like further information on Family Coaching or Speaking, please contact: tess@tesscoxandassociates.com