“From the time our children are born they need us to be intentional parents. The tiny human being we held in our arms will need us to learn to grow and develop into a great parent, in order to be more connected to them and committed for their future. A parent’s personal growth is vitally important for the teen to build trust and responsible relationships.” – The Family Strong Blueprint

As a parent, intentionally building trust with our children is a life-long commitment. In the teen years, it is life shaping to build a foundation of trust with our teens. Often times, this can be one of the most difficult of times to build trust as teens are seeking more independence from parental influence.

We look at seven different ways parents can foster INTENTIONAL TRUST with their teens from the book – The Family Strong Blueprint.

  1. GIVE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. From our research and writing, teens thrive in healthy and supportive families. Even when teens make poor choices or decisions – they still need the comfort of unconditional love.
  2. BE PATIENT. Typically, lack of patience is present when a parent and teen are rushed or have too much to do. This is when something goes wrong or someone says something that triggers the other. We encourage parents and teens to slow down, listen and pay attention to what is really happening in the moment. This will save a lot of frustration and hurt feelings over words that have been irretrievably spoken.
  3. SHOW RESPECT. The mindset of being respectful to one another is the root of all trusting relationships. Respect does not rush to judgment. Respect is a practice, as it gives one another the benefit of the doubt and believes in the good intention.
  4. EXPRESS COMPASSION. When we show we care, hearts and minds are open to listen and hear. Being compassionate with one another is where true healing begins.
  5. BE RELIABLE. Every parent and teen experiences patterns of behaviors, which foster trust or the lack of trust. When a parent and teen are reliable, it increases the mindset to trust what is being said and acted upon.
  6. Take the time to BE KIND. When we express gratitude or choose acts of kindness to serve one another, we build trust within our parent and teen relationship. It takes very little time to be kind and it is always remembered.
  7. VALUE ONE ANOTHER. When we deeply value one another, we are able to extend unconditional love. We will have more patience for one another and show respect. We will have a response of compassion towards one another. When we are reliable with our intentions, we tend to practice kindness in meaningful ways, which adds value to our relationships.

Intentionally building trust with our teen and within our family system is one of the most loving behaviors and actions we can do.

We always want the best for you,

The Family Strong Blueprint Team

If, you would like more information regarding The Family Strong Blueprint curriculum and teaching – please reach out to Tess – tess@tesscoxandassociates.com.