First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS to you and your teen! We know the end of school year is worthy of CELEBRATING whether you are graduating from high school or at the end of another high school year.

Graduation and end of year celebrations are memorable milestones as you honor your teen. These milestones are worthy of your full attention and PRESENCE.

As a parent, you may be flooded with memories, remembering as far back when your teen first began school in kindergarten. You may be filled with different emotions as your teen prepares to graduate. Your excitement to celebrate your teen may put aside any fears about their next steps towards college, working for the family business or intern programs. It’s wonderful to be in the present moment of celebrating your teen and their accomplishments.

Your teen may be stretching their wings and feeling more independent and disengaged. They may be looking so far ahead into their future plans that the reality of the present is difficult. Being with family may seem less important, as they want to spend more time with their friends before everyone begins to embark on their own journeys in life, further education and work.

There is so much to be present for and to think about in the future, as parents and teens prepare for the next phase of life.

Our encouragement to both parents and teens is to –

“Be in the present moment.”

The end of May and June brings graduations and celebrations. They are once in a life time experiences for you and your teen. Here are a few ways you and your teen can choose to be in the present moment:

  1. Allow yourself to VALUE the special and mundane moments by keeping notes on your phone or computer. Ask yourself, “What have I valued most about an experience or situation?”
  • Stay CONNECTED by making eye contact when interacting with one another, give a loving touch on the shoulder (a sign of care) or give encouraging words.
  • Let go of any expectations by clearly communicating needs, schedules and opportunities that arise. This period of time can be highly emotional for both parents and teens. CLEAR COMMUNICATION will support managing expectations.

Lastly, be KIND to one another. As exciting as this time of year can be, it can be exhausting, as well. Kindness in the present moment will go a long way in showing value and connectedness. Kindness is one of the clearest forms of communication, too!

We join with you and your family in CELEBRATING LIFE AND LOVE! And, we BLESS YOU to be FULLY PRESENT IN THE MOMENT for one another during this AMAZING time as you choose to make long and lasting MEMORIES.

We always want the best for you and your family,

The Family Strong Blueprint Team For more information about Family Strong Blueprint seminars, speaking and family coaching, please contact Tess Cox: