“When you feel gratitude, you feel a sense of abundance.

When you express gratitude – especially when it’s heartfelt –

You strengthen your relationships with others.

Grateful people are happier and more fulfilled.

And gratitude leads you to be nicer to other people;

more cooperative, patient, and trusting.”

– Angela Duckworth, Family Strong Blueprint

The above quote is a blueprint of how a “GRATEFUL FAMILY” can choose to practice a mindset in being INTENTIONALLY GRATEFUL.

Here are a few things you can create as a family to nurture your connections with one another through being intentionally grateful:

When you are out for a drive with your teen – Ask your teen, “Where do you see our family having more than what we need?” This will begin a conversation in helping your teen see abundance, rather than not having enough.

When out having dinner as a family, go around the table and express one thing you are grateful for about the parent, teen / sibling(s). This supports the family being known and seen for their strengths that support a healthy family relationship.

When working around the house, notice the family members with a happy attitude. Give thanks or praise for the happy and good attitude. A happy attitude can be noticed by both parent and teen /sibling(s). A family will experience more fulfillment when there is happiness and laughter.

When out having a family experience, be intentional as a family to show gratitude towards others. It is important to be an example with common courtesies in being nice and cooperative with others. It is essential to exhibit patience and understanding towards others. This mindset and behavior will express respect and kindness towards others and will build trust in your parenting and trust in being a teen. When a family shows respect and kindness, you build the character of your family, which builds confidence in treating people well.

Every Family has a choice to practice GRATITUDE. Family Strong Blueprint encourages INTENTIONAL GRATITUDE. Intentional Gratitude is the ability to create a blueprint or a plan to be grateful and learn the best practices in being grateful. Gratitude changes the mindsets, actions and behaviors within the family for the good of all.

With the Deepest of GRATITUDE,

The Family Strong Blueprint Team

Note: If, you would like Family Strong Blueprint to speak at your church or event; or bring a seminar to your organization; or provide coaching for your family, please reach out to:
